Lead By Example

Leadership in the Church: In our world today, most countries, states, counties, and villages are under a certain leadership. You also have leadership in church as well. You have leadership in schools, jobs, and even families. Leadership to some people, like myself, is having the responsibility of leading others to success and teaching others how they can be better at what they do. I also believe that when given such a position, you must know how to assess certain situations, be a role model to those who may be following you and be able to deal with and/or interact with people from all over.

Definition of Leadership: The definition of leadership is the action of leading a group of people and organization. The biblical definition of leadership is a person of character and competence who influences a community of people to achieve a God-honoring calling means of the power of Christ.

Many people take on leadership but do not fulfill the requirements of being a true “leader”. This is expressed in our society today, and this is also expressed in some churches as well. There are people who become leaders just to have the title. Those people are not meant to lead. It is as if they want to be seen “doing something good”. This allows people to not only be driven towards the wrong thing but miss the possible understanding that they may need. The goal that needs to be set is to be able to lead by example.

Biblical Leadership: In the Bible, there are many leaders, and Nehemiah was one of them. Nehemiah gained favor with the King of Persia to leave and rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. He motivated the Israelites to bring back the worship of God. Another great leader in the Bible was Moses. Moses was sent by God to lead His people away from the King of Egypt. Moses set the people free and led them to the Holy Land that God had promised them. Both Nehemiah and Moses showed great examples of Godly leadership. Godly leadership brings one in contact with the sinful and the broken in order to help rebuild, but it also exposes one’s life to dangers and temptations. Sometimes when we are called to do things, we tend to draw away from our purpose.

Prayer for Leadership: During these times we must remember to pray and ask God to take away any distractions and allow us to focus on what He has in store for you. Even if you do not have a particular leadership position, we are all leaders. Especially the young adults of today. There are children and teenagers that look up to us, so we must make sure that we are being responsible and showing them the right way of doing things. If our decisions are not God-like, then we are jeopardizing the future of our youth. This also goes for adults as well. We need to make sure that when we lead, we are doing it with a pure heart and an open mind.

Submitted by Michelle Mims

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