The Importance of Family

One of God’s primary messages for a family in life is to love. As a Christian, I am marked by 3 distinct aspects that define and highlight this directive in my life which include; marked by love for God’s glory, marked by love for our neighbor’s well-being, and marked by love for personal loyalty (self-respect). The Lord has blessed me with a nurturing family that has been able to let and help the seed of God’s word take root in my life. He has surrounded me with a family who has shown me how to love His way, which has proven to be the ultimate love in every aspect of my life. My family has been one of the most important relationships that God has blessed me with. The inheritance of His word was passed down to me through my family to which I am extremely grateful.  A family is one of the most basic and valuable gifts that God has provided and given to our society. It is the first vision, perspective, and understanding that we are shown of relationship with others.

As in Genesis 1:26 KJV, “And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness…”, one of the first and most powerful things that we learn about our Lord, is relationship. We are shown that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit have a pre-existing relationship with each other. Interesting enough but not coincidental, the relationship is one of the first things that we learn and are shown upon being born and placed on earth. These relationships often shape our view of the world, people, and ourselves.

As individuals, we often take for granted the encounters that we have with others while failing to realize how our actions are received and the impact that they may have.  Throughout the New Testament, we are shown how Jesus’ acts of service towards those around him, are an example of how we should love people regardless of their perspective and actions. Christ gives us a living example of what it means to love and how to treat your neighbor. Matthew 22: 39 KJV says, “And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself” and John 13:5 KJV “After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him”. The word “family” stems from the Latin word “famulus” which means “servant”. As believers in Christ, we are shown by our Lord that our lives are meant to be of service. He has placed us in certain situations, hardships, hills, etc. in order to mold our character while strengthening our faith so that He may get the glory in spreading the Word of Christ. A strong family foundation is imperative in helping us build confidence and self-respect in order to fulfill this purpose effectively, with love. God shows us that a family allows you to feel secure; by having people who you can count on, people you can share your problems with, people you can receive direction and accountability, and with people, you can learn to respect.

Today, we see a lack of structure in the family according to the Word of our Lord. In practicality, we also see how these fractures influence the long-term psyche of our children and their decisions in society. Particularly in the African American community, the rates of High School students have the lowest graduation rates from 2017-2018 (“The Condition Of Education – Preprimary, Elementary, And Secondary Education – High School Completion – Public High School Graduation Rates – Indicator May 2019”).

We also see that African American males have the highest homicide rates as of 2019 (“Incarceration Rates Growth Causes”. Prisonpolicy.Org, 2019).

These alarming statistics have tremendously decreased since previous decades but are still among the biggest concerns when evaluating the home structure and well-being of African American children. It speaks to what occurs in not only the home environment but also the surrounding influences. As leaders in the community and those who have had the privilege of being raised and influenced by well-rounded families, it is compulsory that the example be set on what love is while establishing ways on how we can give back to our communities. Opening businesses within the community, mentorships, health and wellness clinics, academic programs, scholarships, investments, etc. are all needed now more than ever. In the age of technology, access to infinite information can play a positive and negative role at the same time. Filtering what children are exposed to has become increasingly hard and oblivion. As we continue to progress as a society, we understand the need for Christ is vital to our well-being regardless of how we feel about it. God’s word continues to prove right and in the most loving ways. Family is the most important in my personal life. God has blessed me with the opportunity to not only receive healthy relationships but also understand what a relationship looks like with Him in the center.

As a Christian, I understand that we are marked by 3 aspects which include: marked by love for our God’s Glory, marked by love for our brother’s well-being, and marked by loving personal loyalty (self-respect). God has placed a hedge around my life while protecting me from society’s influences through my family and I will forever be appreciative. Through countless hills and unfavorable situations, He has managed to keep me close and bless me during obstacles. As I grow as a man, I will continuously pray for brokenness and humility, which will allow me to focus and seek Christ in every waking moment of my life. His love is the ultimate example, the ultimate sacrifice and most beautiful to dwell in.

Submitted By Stanton Ridley

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